This translation is for information purposes only. In the event of discrepancies, the Swedish-language version takes precedence.
Construction and Design of Welded Components, 7.5 Higher education credits
Konstruktion och design av svetsade komponenter, 7,5 Högskolepoäng
Established: 2024-04-18
Established by: Department of Engineering Science
Applies from: H24
Learning outcomes
The student must, after completing the course, be able to:
Knowledge and understanding
- show an understanding of the basic theory of structural systems and the strength of materials.
- demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the construction and design of welded structures under static and cyclic loadings.
- demonstrate knowledge and understanding of constructing and designing circumferential and longitudinal welds and related standards
Competence and skills
- suggest optimum construction and design of welded joints based on different loading types.
- use weld design principles to create reliable welded joints, considering static and fatigue loadings.
- calculate circumferential and longitudinal welds by using relevant laws, design rules and specifications for pressure vessels.
Entry requirements
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Materials Engineering, Marine Engineering, Welding Engineering or equivalent. Additionally, the Bachelor of Science degree must be comprised of a minimum 15 HE credits in mathematics. English course 6 in the Swedish upper secondary school or equivalent.
General entry requirements and approved result from the following course/courses:
ASP700-Advanced Welding Processes and
SVM610-Welding metallurgy of advanced material or the equivalent.
The forms of assessment of student performance
Individual written assignment. Individual written examination.
Course contents
The course will introduce knowledge regarding the advanced design of steel and aluminium welds and related topics:
- Basic theory of structural systems
- Fundamentals of the strength of materials
- Joint design for welding and brazing
- Basics of weld design
- Behaviour of welded structures under different types of loading
- Design of welded structures with predominantly static loading
- Behaviour of welded structures under cyclic loading
- Design of cyclic loaded welded structures
- Design of welded pressure equipment
- Design of aluminium alloy structures
- Introduction to fracture mechanics
Other regulations
Course grading: F/Fx/E/D/C/B/A - Insufficient, Insufficient- more work required before the credit can be awarded, Sufficient, Satisfactory, Good, Very Good, Excellent
Course language: The teaching is conducted in English.
General rules pertaining to examination at University West are available at
If the student has a decision/recommendation on special support due to disability, the examiner has the right to examine the student in a customized examination form.
Second cycle
Progressive specialization
A1F - second cycle, has second-cycle course/s as entry requirements
Main field of study
Production Technology