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Course code: INF601

This translation is for information purposes only. In the event of discrepancies, the Swedish-language version takes precedence.

International Finance, 7.5 Higher education credits

Internationell finans, 7,5 Högskolepoäng

Established: 2017-12-14

Established by: School of Business, Economics and IT

Applies from: V18

Learning outcomes

The aim is to equip students and future business leaders with the analytical tools they need to understand the issues, make sound international financial decisions, and manage the risks that businesses may face in today’s competitive global environment.

Upon completion of the course, students should be able to:

Knowledge and Understanding

- Explain foreign exchange markets, exchange rate risks, international parity conditions and exchange rate determination

- Describe international capital markets, international corporate finance and foreign currency derivatives

Skills and Abilities

- Use foreign currency futures and options to manage risks

- Apply interest rate and foreign currency swaps to manage risk

Judgement and approach

- Evaluate various derivative instruments to manage forreign exchange risks.

Entry requirements

Bachelor's degree of 180 HE credits with 90 HE credits in the major subject field of Economics with at least 7,5 HE credits in Finance at intermediate level and 7.5 HE credits in Econometrics or Statistics, or equivalent.

Alternatively, a bachelor's degree of 180 HE credits with 90 HE credits in the major subject field of Business Administration, with at least 7,5 HE credits in Micro economics and 7.5 HE credits in Macro economics and at least 7,5 HE credits in Finance at intermediate level and 7.5 HE credits in Econometrics or Statistics, or the equivalent.

Verified knowledge of English corresponding to the course English B/English 6 in the Swedish Upper Secondary School or equivalent

The forms of assessment of student performance

Written individual exam. Detailed instructions, grading criteria, and the schedule for all assessment elements for regular examination and re-examination will be presented in the course description at the course introduction.

Other regulations

Course grading: F/Fx/E/D/C/B/A - Insufficient, Insufficient- more work required before the credit can be awarded, Sufficient, Satisfactory, Good, Very Good, Excellent

Course language: The teaching is conducted in English.

General rules pertaining to examination at University West are available at

If the student has a decision/recommendation on special support due to disability, the examiner has the right to examine the student in a customized examination form.

Course Overlap



Second cycle

Progressive specialization

A1N - second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements

Main field of study
